
小学家庭教育 2018-11-19 点击:



  Share the housework


  分担partake; share responsibility for; go shares; participate; share in


  总是分担家务 Always share the chores

  他们分担家务。 They divided between them the household chores.

  家务分担 sharing of housework ; division of housework

  家务分担比例 housework share


  1. 眼前的古斯荷尔少了同龄孩子的稚气,身为长子的他,除了必须照顾轮椅上的父亲,和分担家务事之外,还必须出外打工赚钱补贴家用。

  Kusihire lacks the boyishness of other 16-year-olds. The eldest son, apart from looking after his wheelchair-bound father and doing household chores, Kusihire also has to work to make money for the family.

  2. 让她在这一天得到很好的休息,其他家庭成员来分担家务。

  Let her have a good rest while other members of the fanily do the housework.

  3. 随着妇女就业普遍了,男职工分担了家务劳动。

  As it became more common for women to work outside the house, men began to share the housework.

  4. 相反,她可以统筹管理好家务劳动责任的分担,并要求她的伴侣参与其中。

  She may have to manage many of the household duties, and request that her partner take part in them.

  5. 在我和希拉里结合后,我们分担家务。

  When Hillary and I got together, we shared the household duties.

  6. 家里的烦恼;家庭的欢乐;他们分担家务活;所有事听起来都很安宁、和睦;一个小说写得紧张激烈的作者实际上自己的''。

  Domestic worries; domestic happiness; they share the domestic chores; everything sounded very peaceful and domestic; an author of blood-and-thunder novels yet quite domestic in his''.

  7. 奶奶的大力称赞不是没有原因,因为先天性残疾,让还没满月的德薇就被父母遗弃;不过在爷爷奶奶的照护下,长大后,体贴的德薇努力要帮忙分担家务。

  And there is a reason her grandma praises her so: Barely a month old after she was born, because of her unsightly abnormality, Dewi's parents shunned the child.

  8. 你不是答应过我要分担家务的吗?

  Didn`t you promise that we'd divvy up the household chores?

  9. 许多家庭用民主政治般的方式来治理,家中每个人都有发言权利,公平观念广泛存在于美国的家庭当中;除了敬畏之情外,孩子们也将父母亲当成好朋友,夫妇经常彼此共同分担家务;许多家庭的孩子在自己的卧室内享有隐私权;孩子们在很小的时候便有理财的责任,他们可能每个礼拜会有零用钱或是出去打工;父母亲常会给孩子们自己做决定的自由,学龄前的孩子可以自己选择穿什衣服或买什么玩具,青年人则可自由选择职业及结婚的对象。

  Often parents give children freedom to make their own decisions.

  10. 调查报告显示,共同分担家务的夫妇离婚率比妻子承担绝大部分家务的夫妇高出50%。这好似给了性别平等的理念当头一棒。

  In what appears to be a slap in the face for gender equality, the report found the divorce rate among couples who shared housework equally was around 50 per cent higher than among those where the woman did most of the work.

  11. 那时候,我已经长大了,看到母亲疲惫的身影,很想替妈妈分担一些家务。

  When I saw my mother's weary silhouette, I really wanted to share in some of the housework.

  12. 她和她丈夫分担家务。

  She shares the housework with her husband.

  13. 可以的话,你可以和家人分担家务,这样能让自己保持健康,还有家务过后记得要抽时间休息啊。

  Look after your health by taking turns to do the housework with other members of your household if possible, and take time out to relax afterwards.

  14. 主要表现在大多数家长反映孩子在家变得独立自觉、能帮助分担家务等,亲子关系也较过去更加密切融洽。(3)教师对儿童子职教育的评价是正面肯定但需完善。

  Most parents reflected that children became independent and self-control, and could help parents to share housework etc., and that parent-child relationship became closer and more harmonious. (3) Teachers reviewed children filial education as favorable and to be improved.

  15. 家务活应该由男女分担,但大部分落到一方身上。

  They are regarded as chores by both sexes, but fall disproportionately on only one.

  16. 安娜和马克斯分担家务和照顾小孩。

  Anna and Max share the housework and childcare.

  17. 如果你的另一半在赶任务,那就多帮她分担些家务吧。

  When your partner has a big dedline, help by doing his or her chores.

  18. 这对年轻夫妇分担家务事。

  The young couple shared housework.

  19. 所以我决定帮我妈妈分担一些家务活。

  So I decided to help my mother to do some housework.

  20. 最重要的是一个负责任的室友,并愿意分担家务。

  The most important is a responsible housemates and willing to share house work.




